srijeda, 31. siječnja 2024.


I know, after all the characters I've been drawing this whole month - are these... bugs?! Well, I never said I'd draw only people, I'm ready to draw anything that ignites that creative spark. That's why my gallery is inconsistent and it may be one of the reasons why it's so hard to get likes and new followers. And if you look closely, it gets even weirder: they're not ordinary bugs - I call them "stinkachios".

It's true, the inspiration often comes when you least expect it. I combined my love for pistachios and the inevitability of stinkbugs - there's time when they're literally everywhere, sometimes I think I should be charging them rent because they're practically my roommates. But it's become normal from time to time (depending on seasons) and I don't mind them that much. If you're careful enough, you can scoop them and release them outside without much fuss.

So one day I thought I saw one of them on the floor, but then, after remembering I'd eaten some pistachios the evening before, for a brief moment I wasn't sure if it was a stinkbug or a pistachio. 🤣 And so this idea was born, they became some kind of bugs mimicking pistachios. Although the original idea came from stinkbugs, I also used other insects as a reference, such as ladybugs. I wanted to create a bug that would use two sets of wings, the outer ones being pistachio shells.

And another thing - you may have noticed I didn't draw Armadillosaurus or Dinocorn for this year's art challenge Creatuanary. I wanted to take a break from my usual creations and stinkachios were supposed to serve as a new Creatuanary post, but then I read the rules again and they didn't fit any of the prompts, so I decided to just let it go this year.

I know it may seem gross, but I hope you like this idea as much as I had fun bringing it to life. I may even include them in my GRDI-Verse project.

My socials:

#digitaldrawing #creature #stinkbug #pistachio #stinkachio #grdilicious #grdi

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