petak, 11. siječnja 2019.

Miles Morales

Believe it or not, I still haven't seen Into the Spider-verse! 😱 Yep, guilty as charged. 😔 To be honest, I don't even know if there was a subbed version in our cinemas, because in my country animated movies are mostly dubbed and I'd like to experience the original version. I believe there are still some early projections of dubbed versions for small children at 10 a.m. or something like that, but, as I said, meh. 🙄

Anyway, it didn't stop me from drawing Miles in one of his famous outfits. I wanted a dynamic illustration with a challenging perspective, so I used unusual references of some anime poses, as well as my own (don't ask 😁). The new thing that I hadn't used before is the thick outline around the character, which supposedly makes the whole illustration kind of pop up and I like how it turned out. Maybe I'll use it more often, we'll see.

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