srijeda, 28. veljače 2024.

Odd Yuckly #67


Business as usual.  🟡


Main IG: @grdi.main

#comic #comicstrip #webcomic #oddyuckly #work #problem #bosses #grdi #grdilicious #grdicomics

utorak, 27. veljače 2024.

Ode an den Bass

This is a post about a German singer, songwriter and producer Paul Wetz (@paulwetz) and his music. I found inspiration for this illustration in a video for his latest hit "Ode an den Bass".

Meine Instagram-Follower haben sicherlich schon bemerkt, dass ich "Ode an den Bass" sehr oft in meiner Story teile. Der Song ist ein absoluter Hit, wie eigentlich alles was Paul Wetz macht. 🎶 Für mich ist seine Musik eine der größten musikalischen Entdeckungen der letzten Jahre, aber die ersten Videos auf die ich gestoßen bin waren nicht für seine Songs, sondern witzige kurze Videos in den er etwas komplett anderes singt, wie z.B. Bedienungsanleitungen für Küchengeräte, komische Kommentare usw. 🤣 Und als ich danach "Hypnotize Me" und "Moment" gehört habe, wusste ich gleich dass ich neue Ohrwürmer gefunden habe.

Die meisten seiner Songs, die ich zu der Zeit gehört habe, waren zwar auf Englisch: Moment, Hypnotize Me, People, Stop Wasting Time, Mirror, All My Friends, Chasing Hills... aber da sind auch viele Hits auf Deutsch, wie Verrückt (Deutsch + Englisch), Ben Deliriyorum (Deutsch + Türkisch), Vergessen, Wenn die Welt weint, Tanz in deiner Wohnung, Immer noch wach, Liebe Grüße, Gaga Baby und - natürlich - Ode an den Bass! Ich habe versucht die Atmosphäre vom Video auf die Zeichnung zu übertragen: Pauls interessanter Tanz, coole Outfits, sogar die Drehorte, aber stilisiert! 🎨

Englisch ist meine bevorzugte Fremdsprache in vielen Situationen, aber ich bin ein großer Fan des Deutschen - es war eigentlich die erste Fremdsprache die ich gelernt habe! Ich weiß dass viele Leute mir nicht zustimmen würden, aber für mich ist es eine der interessantesten Sprachen - schwer und kompliziert, aber gerade deshalb finde ich deutsche Poesie (sowohl klassische Gedichte als auch moderne Lieder) faszinierend, besonders die Weise auf die man Wörter effektiv kombiniert und reimt.

My socials:

#digitalart #paulwetz #musik #odeandenbass #grdilicious #grdi

nedjelja, 18. veljače 2024.

Spider-Woman (Mattie)

I know I should be drawing something that's currently trending, such as Deadpool, Wolverine or Fantastic Four if I want to be seen by both the algorithm and the users, but here I go again with one of Marvel's step-parents, Sony, and their Spider-Man related Spider-Man-less movies.

I still don't know much about "Madame Web" except for an increasing pile of bad reviews, but I like the costumes and as I mentioned before, the trailer looked exciting enough to inspire me to draw something from it. This time it's another Spider-Woman, Mattie Franklin, played by Celeste O'Connor. She looked great in those short scenes and I was especially impressed by the parts of her costume that looked like Iron Spider robotic legs.

I know I'll eventually watch the movie and create my own opinion, but for now let's just enjoy the art. The trailer didn't show the whole costume, so I had to improvise when I was drawing her gloves and boots. The pose reference is from @theposearchives.

My socials:

#digitalart #drawing #artchallenge #webruary #webruary2024 #spiderwoman #madameweb #grdilicious #grdi

subota, 17. veljače 2024.

Odd Yuckly #66


Daily struggle... or monthly struggle? 🤪


Main IG: @grdi.main

#comic #comicstrip #webcomic #oddyuckly #date #day #month #grdi #grdilicious #grdicomics

četvrtak, 15. veljače 2024.

Spider-Woman (Julia)

For my next Webruary project I chose a character you might recognize... or not. It's one of the Spider-Women from Marvel comics and the movie "Madame Web" that was released yesterday and already got mixed or negative reactions. I haven't seen it, so I still don't know what to think about it, but it's no secret that it's not among eagerly anticipated movies of the year. Still, there's something about the trailer that made me want to draw something from the movie, no matter how good or bad it is.

This time it's Julia Carpenter (Cornwall), played by Sydney Sweeney. There's a scene from the trailer (or was it BTS footage?) that inspired this drawing. There's also a small change in my drawing process, because I didn't use my usual pose references, but tried to draw something directly from the source.

I'm also planning to draw Celeste O'Connor's Mattie Franklin next - I knew I had to the moment I saw her costume and robotic spider legs in the trailer! I'm not sure if I'll draw Spider-Girl, there are no enough references, but if I do, it will be one of the rarest occasions where I drew more than a half of the cast - and without even watching the movie! 🤣

My socials:

#digitalart #drawing #artchallenge #webruary #webruary2024 #spiderwoman #madameweb #grdilicious #grdi

utorak, 13. veljače 2024.

Bad Education

I'm interrupting my regular schedule to post my poem inspired by the divergent runner maze hunger games of thrones at my workplace. 😒

This poem is also dedicated to some of the best people I've ever had honour to share the trials and tribulations of this clusterf*** of a job with. Others may attack you and try to cancel you, but as long as your heart is pure and your fight is just, you are the winners in my book. 🏆

BTW, although it wasn't my initial intent, this post conveniently coincided with the Croatian educators and scientists' protest against the Government's new regulations. I guess the s*** hit the fan on multiple fronts.

Oda mojem zvanju

Svanulo je! Nova nada?
Nipošto, to tek je mora!
Budan jesi, al' se boriš
Stalno protiv istog stvora.

Rekoše: "Učitelj budi,
Plemenito to je zvanje",
Ne slutivši da to znači
Od makovog zrna manje.

Samo ako glavu spustiš,
I šutke naredbe pratiš,
Mozak ostaviš na paši,
Radni vijek bezbrižno kratiš.

Ak' pamet i srce imaš,
Zmajeve pokorit' sanjaš,
Bolje ne laćaj se mača -
Samo slijepu pravdu ganjaš.

Najboljem se uvijek nadaš,
Duša mlada i zelena,
A onda stop! Nenadano
Izbace te iz pelena.

Demoni se nadređeni
Krajem kolovoza bude;
Pristaješ na sve obveze -
Naređuju, ništ' ne nude.

Kažu, satnica ti puna,
Trpi i odbaci inat -
Na stolu će kruha biti
I za kredit moraš imat'.

Kome se navečer molit'?
Njima, što su iznad tebe,
Što pak sudbu tvoju kroje?
Pokorit' se, izdat' sebe?

Crnom vragu dušu prodat' -
Unutar te drži stranka;
Al' ak' nisi u tom krugu,
Onda si odbačen vanka.

Bolna spoznaja te tišti
Da za njih sve to je igra -
Ipak, častan, vrijedan nećeš
Za njih plesat' kao čigra!

Očekuješ trunku nade,
Mrvu ljudskosti, poštenja,
Jurišaš na vjetrenjače -
Pritom nema razrješenja.

"Ne grist' ruku koja hrani",
Mnogi će ti savjet dati,
Ali kako kad nad tobom
Despotska se šaka klati?

Izgubljen u svojoj muci
Misliš, sad ću otkaz dati,
Pred sam čin ipak se slomiš -
Okreni se, poslu vrati!

I kad opet oglasi se
Školsko zvono za početak,
Ulaziš, ostavljaš nadu,
Slijedi pameti svršetak.

Svakog jutra moraš prići
Tome grobu svoje sreće;
U očima rijeka suza,
U rukama suho cvijeće.

Prosiš barem mrvu hvale,
Al' nje nema, samo vike;
Netko drugi, podobniji,
Pokupi sve lovorike.

Zbog nepravde stalno brojiš
Vlas manje il' sijedu više,
Doktor daje bolovanje,
Neki novi lijek ti piše.

Dosad nisi im'o ruže,
Nit' će možda sutra cvati,
Odi, nemoj dočekati
Ovo groblje svojim zvati.

No, i dalje tragično je
Što iza tebe postoje
Horde mladih da zasjednu
Na nesretno mjesto tvoje.

Uporno se priča vrti,
Čudovište tak' se hrani,
Naivnima koji su za
Kolo strave odabrani.

subota, 10. veljače 2024.

Davorachnid (Webruary 2024)

I'm not sure if there's an official Webruary prompt list this year, but I've decided to draw some Spider-People this month anyway.

I started with Davorachnid, my OC I haven't drawn for a while (which is kind of surprising!). I came across some cool clothing ads and they gave me an idea to try to adjust his costume a little bit. I changed the chest part, gave him some modern pants and sneakers. Basically, I added laces all over my design and although it looked cool in the ads, somehow it's not quite working for my drawing. 🤔 Either I expected something different, or I wasn't skilled enough to make it work for my final design.

But I still hope it's a worthy addition to my favourite OC's gallery and, of course, I'll keep playing with this design in the future. I'm glad the general looks and the palette are established, everything else are just small modifications. The pose reference is again from @theposearchives.

My socials:

#digitalart #drawing #artchallenge #characterdesign #webruary #webruary2024 #davorachnid #spidersona #grdilicious #grdi

srijeda, 7. veljače 2024.

Art Collage 2016-2019

I finally finished a collage of my digital drawings from 2016-2019! I started making these "art collages" in 2020 instead of the "Art vs. Artist" challenge, so I decided to get back to my drawings older than 2020 and put them together in my new style. At that time I was experimenting with different art techniques (traditional drawings, papercraft, polymer clay, cosplay accessories etc.), so I didn't have as many digital drawings - or at least I thought so when I started this collage. 😄

I started drawing digitally in Paint Shop Pro, then moved to Inkscape and Photoshop, but now everything I do is in Clip Studio Paint. For this collage I chose as many drawings from that period that could fit my template, but as they were drawn in different programs, it took me more time than I had expected to add the features I've been using since then, such as black and white outlines, rim lighting etc. Some of them were pretty pixelated because I could work on final, resized versions, but it's OK because the result looks so crammed that you can't even notice. 😉

As for the choice of themes, there's been almost everything, from superheroes, sci-fi, fantasy and horror franchises, to pop culture, art challenges and personal projects - basically everything I'm doing right now. Should I ask how many you can recognize? 😄

My socials:

#digitaldrawings #art #artcollage #grdilicious #grdi

ponedjeljak, 5. veljače 2024.

Odd Yuckly #65


A new start 🏆


Main IG: @grdi.main

#comic #comicstrip #webcomic #oddyuckly #plant #newyearsresolution #newstart #grdi #grdilicious #grdicomics

subota, 3. veljače 2024.

My monthly review: January 2024

My monthly review: January 2024

We've barely set foot in 2024, so it's too early to revisit New Year's resolutions, but let me just check if I'm on the right track. Job? Ugh, the same battle royale bull***t as usual. 😒 Health? Not a very good start as I got one of the most severe episodes of sciatica and I can barely move until the pain subsides. 😡 Art? Well, I believe I made some progress. 🤔

• I tried to participate in the Fanuary art challenge as much as possible, which was still pretty weak (only 6 out of 31 drawings), but I finally drew some fanart I've been putting off for years! Thanks to the prompts by @tonycartoonish, I started the year with The Marvels: Carol, Monica and Kamala, then Blue Beetle (DC), Jaylah (Star Trek), Guillotine, Magik and Captain Carter (all three Marvel); also big thanks to @theposearchives for all the references! And after all that I even managed to squeeze in a creature design, fictional bugs called "stinkachios".

• I also decided to work on my Insta stories and Reels, trying to please the algorithm gods if possible and there actually have been a few new followers!  I've been using CapCut for a while and I can honestly recommend that video editing program.

• I still haven't tried other art techniques and I've been lazy with the new webomics, although I believe I have a few interesting ideas.

• But I'm still feeding that idea that something has to change, I just need to rearrange my priorities to get the things going. My plans for February are:
- to finish a collage of my first drawing years (2016-2019) in a new style I've been doing since 2020
- to participate in art challenges such as Webruary (Spider-Man related) and Styluary (other artists' style)
- to start posting YouTube Shorts and *maybe* consider reactivating my TikTok account and post the same videos I usually post in Reels just because of, you guess, the algorithm!

My socials:

#digitaldrawing #mymonthlyreview #january2024 #grdilicious #grdi