ponedjeljak, 25. srpnja 2022.

Quicksilver & Iron Fist

As July is supposedly the Marvel month, there's usually an art challenge with a list of Marvel characters for each day. But as you also probably know, I can barely finish any monthly challenge, so I usually choose only a few characters. For this post I chose two of them that have been introduced to the MCU, but most probably won't reappear in any new project - Quicksilver and Iron Fist.

The story about twins Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver must be one of the most bizarre cases when it comes to shared Marvel properties. As far as I know - or at least it was one of the theories - the deal was that Fox can get Quicksilver and Disney the Scarlet Witch as long as they don't make her a mutant (that's why they were called "miracles" in Captain America: Winter Soldier). The MCU version of Quicksilver appeared in Avengers: Age Of Ultron and was immediately killed off and the X-Men version became more popular and appeared in more movies. I was more interested in Pietro's story (MCU), although I guess he fulfilled his purpose so that his sister Wanda could become the OP Scarlet Witch in WandaVision and The Multiverse of Madness and there's no real reason for his return. 😔 Even now that Disney owns rights for the mutants too, I don't believe they'd explore that story any further, especially not with the MCU version of Quicksilver, as seen on WandaVision.

The second missed chance is Danny Rand aka Iron Fist. I don't know what happened to that Netflix show, but MCU missed a great opportunity to make him a more prominent superhero. The second season was a little bit better and Defenders are one of my favourite crossovers, but I also think they won't try to bring him back or expand his story. 😔 I guess Shang-Chi, who has similar powers will get the spotlight and maybe they'll mention him here and there, especially in the new Daredevil show on Disney+ or something related to the Defenders but I think that's it for this character too.

On the other hand, we never know what we can expect from future projects. Sometimes they try to explain or fix some previous plotholes like they did with Inhumans, Abomination, Mandarin or Peggy Carter, so maybe a cameo that would explain what happened to some of the characters wouldn't be such a bad idea. I'd also like to see more Ghost from Ant-Man and The Wasp, Magik from the X-Men, Nova (Richard Rider) and Namor (although he will appear in Wakanda Forever, so I guess I can cross that one off my list).

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#digitalart #drawing #marvel #quicksilver #ironfist #mcu #avengers #defenders #grdilicious #grdi

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