subota, 9. srpnja 2022.

HMM and CON (Social media)

I redesigned the classic "Drake meme" again, this time replacing a "Pro frame" with a "Hmmm frame" for choices or issues I'd like to talk about that can't be described just as PRO or CONTRA. This time it's about my experience with social media, more precisely the five apps I use regularly.

Instagram is (was?) one of my favourite apps, but only because of its old fame, before it decided to be a TikTok knockoff. True, my posts didn't have that much success even before the change, but I accepted it as the most relevant indicator of popularity of my art on social media. But now, after the sudden turn to video content and insane algorithm that's not generous to art creators... Well, I'm still there, disappointed and angry, but still doing my thing. 😠

DeviantART used to be very popular among artists but now it became a habit and I feel guilty that I don't use it more, interact with users more etc. Nostalgia, I guess - although it seems there have been more likes and constructive comments lately. 👍

I'm not sure why I still post on Blogger, because I haven't had any views, comments etc. for years there. 🤪 No one knows it exists anymore so it became some kind of a backup for my works.

Facebook, ughhh... 🙄 I only keep it because of some contacts, but I wouldn't cry if they closed it completely one day. It's been on my blacklist since the time they bought Instagram and merged accounts, so many acquaintances and colleagues I casually and naively befriended on FB found my IG account that was supposed to be inaccessible to many of them and now follow me without even understanding what I'm trying to do with my art, don't like or even comment my drawings, just lurk and think who knows what. 😒 Usually it wouldn't be an issue, but the person they think they know isn't the same as the silly artsy-fartsy creature I present here and I don't think they really understand it.

And Twitter is the worst - just a cesspool of spoilers, trolls, conspiracy theories and irrelevant opinions that make me puke and I don't really understand why I keep my account there anymore. All I know is that I feel depressed, disappointed and outraged and lose faith in humankind every time I open it. 😭

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