petak, 18. prosinca 2020.

Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove)

 It's the 20th anniversary of The Emperor's New Groove's release (December 2000) and as soon as I read about it I left everything I was doing just to draw - Yzma!

It's one of my favourite not only Disney's movies, but animated movies in general and Yzma, voiced by incredible Eartha Kitt, is my favourite character. OK, Kronk too. They're hilarious together. 🤣 Damn, gotta go watch it again now...



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grdilicious (Twitter & Facebook)

grdobina (deviantART)

grdi.main (Instagram)

grdi (Blogger)

#digitalpart #drawing #fanart #disney #theemperorsnewgroove #yzma #croatianartist #selftaughtartist #grdilicious #grdi

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