četvrtak, 31. prosinca 2020.

Happy New Year!

 I wrote this for Instagram, as it's my most active social media platform, with the most likes, followers etc. For this year's art review I kind of combined several art challenges into one. I didn't feel comfortable to post "Top Nine", because I paid for promotion of eight of my works and instead of usual 30-50 likes they got up to "unreal" 600, which makes it harder to tell what you really liked. 🤔

As for "The Summary of Art 2020", I'm also skipping that one this year, because as I started drawing more it became impossible for me to choose only 12 drawings (one per month) out of 70! 🤪

Instead of all that, I'm going with some kind of "Art vs Artist" challenge or something similar... I took the general idea, but made a collage of as many artworks as possible. They cover most of my interests, from drawing challenges, Marvel stuff, anime and Star Wars to YouTubers such as Drawfee, Jazza, Rhett and Link, the Vlog Squad and Let's Game It Out.

As for the milestones, I got 5.1k likes this year (although many come from the mentioned promotions, so again I'm not sure what the numbers would be like without them). I also got my 500th follower in August. I don't think the paid promotions helped much with that, because I got many likes during that period, but very few new followers. I guess they liked those specific drawings, but not my whole profile or gallery. And I almost completely stopped experimenting with different art forms and worked on my digital drawings, trying to define my style or at least some features I like to use in my drawings (such as thicker black and white outlines and rim lighting).

Thank you for your participation (likes, shares, following and comments). As for the New Year's wishes, let's just hope 2021 will bring happier moments. Aside from the COVID-19 pandemic, this year my country has suffered (and is still suffering) major earthquakes (the strongest was just two days ago 😔). Many houses and buildings were devastated and lives were lost, so no wonder that on this last day of 2020 we are even more than ever desperate for some good news. 🙏

So... Happy New Year, be creative and stay safe!


My social media platforms:

grdilicious (Twitter & Facebook)

grdobina (deviantART)

grdi.main (Instagram)

grdi (Blogger)

#digitalart #drawing #fanart #characterdesign #artchallenge #artvsartist #collage #croatianartist #selftaughtartist #grdilicious #grdi

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