četvrtak, 7. ožujka 2024.

PRO & CON: Descriptions

I'm not the only one here losing the algorithm game, but to be honest, I'm not even playing it right. There are rules, but there are also other things many users do which I'm not ready to copy. One of them is show, don't tell, or more precisely: imply, don't explain.

I don't like to play such games - I usually post an illustration and then a description that often reaches the character limit. And apparently therein lies the problem: I write too much, explain everything and don't leave room for mystery and clickbaits, which seems to be a real key to success, according to some more clever artists.

Many of them just post their work and write little or nothing because they know their followers would be curious, leave tons of comments and in doing so boost engagement on their post, making it seem more relevant than it originally was. If you want to find out anything, you're forced to go through the comments and maybe leave your own, just adding to that post's popularity and putting it on the algorithm's nice list.

I've seen it too many times and I'm not going to throw names, but there are some very popular users among them. That's also the reason why they appear more often in my feed, but when I see the cryptic nature of their posts, hundreds of pointless comments without direct answers and then tons of likes, I realize how unfair this game really is.

What I sometimes do is deliberately make small "mistakes" in my drawings or write something that could be considered somewhat provocative or controversial, but even then there are no reactions at all, people probably don't read long posts. At this point I feel like I could get away with posting just about anything.

And although I claim I'm doing all this only for myself, it makes me wonder over and over again: Is my "art" good enough? I believe I've had some surprisingly good ideas throughout the years, but they haven't been noticed because I don't play such silly games.

My socials: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #grdilicious #grdi

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