ponedjeljak, 21. kolovoza 2023.

Quickscanner (GRDI-Verse)

For my first villain in my GRDI-Verse rogue gallery I found inspiration in bizarrely fast cashiers, mostly because of popular memes, but also because of real life experiences, especially while shopping in Lidl.

As usual, I went through a ton of portmanteau names for her, but settled for Quickscanner. Her real name is Cassie Swift - Cassie should be similar to a "cashier" and Swift is one of the synonyms for "fast". Her powers are telekinesis and ability to throw items at incredible speed (she can "move" them, but has to touch them to turn them into potentially deadly missiles).

So, this is what I've got for now: her logo is some kind of a barcode with lightning bolts and she has accessories such as barcode scanners on her belt (used to scan opponents' weaknesses), something like storage containers on upper arms for smaller items that can become unstoppable missiles (coins, coupons, loyalty cards etc.), metal wristbands on forearms (for protection) and a face shield or a screen to both hide her identity and be used as some kind of a monitor to help her process information after the scan, pick her target, aim etc. In short, she's some kind of a speedster, but with a twist.

I had a problem with the choice of colours because red, white and blue are usually considered "heroic" and I wanted her to have a bit of The Flash and a name reminiscent of Quicksilver, so at one point I almost made her a hero. But I believe she'll better function as a villain and, who knows, there's that grey area in comics where sometimes these differences get blurred.

My socials: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitaldrawing #characterdesign #grdiverse #grdilicious #grdi

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