ponedjeljak, 9. siječnja 2023.

New Year's Resolutions 2023

This is my New Year's resolutions post combined with my current obsession with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. My resolutions are mainly about my job, so my Stand has many features typical for a teaching profession. But let's leave the JoJo Stand story for some other post.

Usual criticism aside, as any other job it has many challenges, coming not only from students but also superiors. Due to some kind of a burnout syndrome, last year I decided to step down from some of my work duties and take better care of my physical and mental health, so my resolutions are just a logical continuation of that path.

Sometimes you have to be brave and a bit crazy to point to exploitation and injustice because it could be dangerous for your future there - mobbing or retaliation aren't such rare occurrences in schools. I keep noticing more and more irregularities in this rotten system (especially after a painful eye-opening experience with one of my superiors a few months ago), but I'll try to keep away from their shenanigans and take care of my health because in all honesty - I can't change anything. If I was a JoJo character, my Stand would be my victorious alter ego, but in real life I'm just an ordinary insignificant employee in impossible situations, unable to deal with some of the issues such as following: 

- many systems, if not totally corrupted, are at least permeated by local political parties' ambitions and an "outsider" can't change much.

- educational systems may be designed to nurture creativity, but some schools don't do it, unless it brings profit or promotion.

- due to the ongoing decrease in the number of students, some schools are forced to enroll anyone who applies, becoming more like a daycare and resulting in giving exaggerated grades to keep students so our jobs could be secured.

- school is a battlefield where you're not always sure who you can trust, so you can get burned by putting your faith in the wrong people, including your superiors.

This list should be longer, but you get the picture. I just hope to have less work-related stress this year, but wish me luck. I've got a feeling I'll need it.

My socials: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #drawing #fanart #newyearsresolutions #jojosbizareadventure #grdilicious #grdi

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