ponedjeljak, 28. veljače 2022.

Flying Fox (Batman)

Is it West? Keaton? Kilmer? Clooney? Bale? Affleck? Pattinson? No, it's a flying fox!

In a few days we're getting a new Batman and to be honest I'm still not sure why. I guess that's usual when it comes to comic book movies - it's become popular to redo, retell, recast, reimagine, reboot them etc. So here I am anyway, ready to jump on the bandwagon with some kind of... anti-fanart? It's my favourite bat species, a flying fox instead of Batman because... reasons. 😝

My problem with these new reboots or visions or whatever they call them is that I'm stuck in some kind of a "Groundhog Day" with the genius version of Tim Burton's Batman Returns. It was a special time for me and apart from being blown away by that movie, I basically learned English by watching it over and over again (because there were no subtitles on that VHS). I'm sorry to say that I don't care much about Nolan's versions as I probably should (OK, except for maybe The Dark Knight) and I was ready to accept the DCEU version, but now... suddenly... here we go again!

Don't get me wrong, od course I'll watch the movie, I don't miss anything with Batman in it, but maybe it could have been better if we got Batman Beyond or Nightwing this time? I don't know, I'm just rambling at this point. At least I feel like I already know the story and have no fear that someone will spoil the movie before I get to watch it like it usually happens. 😉

Follow me: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #drawing #dc #batman #bat #flyingfox #grdilicious #grdi

subota, 26. veljače 2022.

The Joker (Arrowverse)

I know what many people think about the Arrowverse and I see all the flaws like everybody else, but I still support it a lot. My favourite shows are Legends Of Tomorrow, The Flash and Batwoman. As you can see, this post is dedicated to the latter one.

To be honest, Batwoman has been kind of problematic from the very beginning. It looked like just another CW's soap opera and then when Ruby Rose left the project after just one season, they had to redefine the show by introducing a new Batwoman. Although I still miss the character of Kate Kane, Javicia Leslie's Ryan Wilder (along with all the changes they had to make) grew on me and continued the story. And that brought us to the second season's cliffhanger, which at least in my book made everything better.

The third season revolves around the fact that many items and weapons that belonged to classic Batman's villains got lost from his cave and kind of keep bringing back some of the iconic villains such as Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy or even Joker. And they do it in a nostalgic Tim Burton's Batman way, which is enough for a retro-enthusiast like me to love the show even more.

And here we are - with another version of Joker! SPOILER ALERT! This time it's actually Ryan's half-brother Marquis, which makes the things even more interesting (played brilliantly by Nick Creegan. This week's episode was his first outing as the new Joker, so I guess it's still not completely clear which style he's going to choose. At the moment he's rocking a look similar to Joaquin's and also later in the episode something that Harley would probably wear. 

For my drawing I used some of the clothes he was wearing when he first appeared, plus some details from previous Jokers. He still doesn't wear any clown-like makeup and he wears more purple and red than green, but I put some greenish rim light around him and I also drew a green pattern on the back of the cards just to get that iconic green/purple aesthetic.

Follow me: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #drawing #dc #cw #batwoman #joker #arrowverse #grdilicious #grdi

srijeda, 23. veljače 2022.

My Cuphead Persona

 I've never played the Cuphead video game, but I'm amazed by the retro style they used to create the characters (my boomer ass still remembers the time when these so-called "rubber hose" cartoons were popular on TV). 😄 So when I found out there was going to be a Netflix show inspired by that game, I knew I had to watch it and create my Cuphead persona!

At first I planned to draw just my OC avatar in this style, carrying a drawing tablet and a stylus and wearing a T-shirt with my logo, but then I added the main antagonist of the show, the Devil. In the cartoon he is claiming Cuphead's soul, but in my version he's reminding me of some harsh realities every artist faces from time to time.

To be honest, there were supposed to be three things on his list: job, algorithm and art block, but I decided to keep it simple - this kind of statement would be too much for this silly illustration (let's leave it for a more serious post). But yes, I planned to write about my job that doesn't leave me enough time for my hobbies, as well as about that eyebrow-raising IG rule where you won't be relevant if you don't film unnecessary reels or whatever, but... let's just call it art block, even if it's not really that - because there have been so many stupid things lately that keep pissing me off and blocking me from enjoying my hobbies such as drawing. 🙄

Follow me: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #drawing #cuphead #thecupheadshow #netflix #cupheadpersona #cupheadsona #cupsona #grdilicious #grdi

nedjelja, 6. veljače 2022.

Black Krrsantan

When it comes to Star Wars fans, I know this week's top fanart is reserved for Cad Bane and I'm still two weeks behind with Black Krrsantan. In my defense, I started drawing him as soon as he appeared on The Book Of Boba Fett, but meanwhile life happened and I got to finish my drawing just today.

I don't know what's your opinion on TBOBF, but I'm still hooked on that nostalgia ride. It may not be as interesting as The Mandalorian (and God knows the colourful Vespa gang from Chapter III didn't help either) but there are still very interesting characters I didn't know before (I haven't seen any other shows than official movies), so Black Krrsantan was a refreshing new discovery for me.

As I said, it took me a lot longer to finish the drawing, but not only because of some work related obligations, but also because of the decision how to colour it. The pose was easy, it was inspired by a piece of artwork seen during the end credits, but I had to explore the comics because - interestingly enough - drawing dark fur depends on using lighter colours, so I had my ups and downs during figuring that process out. But I'm happy with how it finally turned out and this time I added some kind of a background - just some random items and scenery that can be seen on Tatooine.

Follow me: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #drawing #starwars #thebookofbobafett #themandalorian #blackkrrsantan #disneyplus #grdilicious #grdi