ponedjeljak, 12. travnja 2021.

The Smell of a New Mask

Wear them always, change them often,
Surgical or cloth, blue or green,
Don't forget they have a purpose
Only if they're new, fresh and clean!

They keep us all safe and healthy,
"What's the point?" - there's no need to ask,
In all this madness just enjoy
That sweetest smell of a new mask!

Sorry, just a bolt of inspiration, for both the drawing and the poem, as we're coming back to work after the spring break, inevitably slipping off our surfboard for the third time and slowly drowning under another wave...

To be honest, nobody likes wearing these protective masks. Because of my health problems (trigeminal neuralgia) I shouldn't even wear it as it may seriously affect my condition, but here we are, this new normal doesn't care about your other illnesses, it's all the same for everyone.

So, I wear it every day, I'd say maybe too often, even in some situations where they're currently not necessary in my country. And, in a twisted way, I've come to a point where there's no better feeling than putting on a new mask and breathing in its clean scent for the first time... except for maybe taking it off when I get home. 😉
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#digitalart #drawing #characterdesign #mask #grdilicious #grdi

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