ponedjeljak, 26. travnja 2021.

Marvel characters (2016-2020)

 Here's a collage of most of my drawings of #Marvel characters in the last four years. But don't think that this passion started with the #MCU - Marvel's been around long before I even knew what Marvel was.

It all started in 1980s with some unknown brand of chewing gum containing a set of tiny collectable pictures of some superheroes I'd never seen before. Constantly drawing and doodling, I tried to copy, enlarge and colour them. Around that time it was all about Superman and Batman and the only comics we could buy were Italian and Belgian (Zagor, Alan Ford, Asterix...). I didn't even know there were DC and Marvel comics, let alone the difference between them.

For years I'd been imagining stories about these "new" characters and although I recognized Spider-Man, I wasn't sure about others until the 1990s and the 2000s with the first X-Men movies and later the MCU. Now I know they were Cyclops, Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-Woman, Storm etc.

Of course I still loved DC heroes, but something about Marvel just hit me differently. They didn't hide their identity (except for Spider-Man, Daredevil and a few more) and their struggles seemed more down-to-earth. And after the first X-Men movie I guess my Marvel fanboy destiny was sealed. Everything after that, especially the MCU, just cemented my admiration.

On the other hand, I know neither Disney nor Marvel "love" us back, it's obviously all about the money. But the feels, the goosebumps... just because of that it seems worth it. And I don't believe that even my friends really get that. They support me, their birthday presents for me are usually Marvel related, but often I feel like there's actually not a single soul in this world I could share my points of view with.

And even other fans seem to often forget how to relax and enjoy some movies or projects and are constantly looking for reasons to be angry or unsatisfied with... anything? I'm aware today's generations experience everything differently and they can't go back 30-40 years and find themselves in their childhood room with that tiny chewing gum picture, a piece of paper and pencils and feel happy that some of their dreams are coming true.
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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #marvel #mcu #collage #grdilicious #grdi

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