ponedjeljak, 26. travnja 2021.

Marvel characters (2016-2020)

 Here's a collage of most of my drawings of #Marvel characters in the last four years. But don't think that this passion started with the #MCU - Marvel's been around long before I even knew what Marvel was.

It all started in 1980s with some unknown brand of chewing gum containing a set of tiny collectable pictures of some superheroes I'd never seen before. Constantly drawing and doodling, I tried to copy, enlarge and colour them. Around that time it was all about Superman and Batman and the only comics we could buy were Italian and Belgian (Zagor, Alan Ford, Asterix...). I didn't even know there were DC and Marvel comics, let alone the difference between them.

For years I'd been imagining stories about these "new" characters and although I recognized Spider-Man, I wasn't sure about others until the 1990s and the 2000s with the first X-Men movies and later the MCU. Now I know they were Cyclops, Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-Woman, Storm etc.

Of course I still loved DC heroes, but something about Marvel just hit me differently. They didn't hide their identity (except for Spider-Man, Daredevil and a few more) and their struggles seemed more down-to-earth. And after the first X-Men movie I guess my Marvel fanboy destiny was sealed. Everything after that, especially the MCU, just cemented my admiration.

On the other hand, I know neither Disney nor Marvel "love" us back, it's obviously all about the money. But the feels, the goosebumps... just because of that it seems worth it. And I don't believe that even my friends really get that. They support me, their birthday presents for me are usually Marvel related, but often I feel like there's actually not a single soul in this world I could share my points of view with.

And even other fans seem to often forget how to relax and enjoy some movies or projects and are constantly looking for reasons to be angry or unsatisfied with... anything? I'm aware today's generations experience everything differently and they can't go back 30-40 years and find themselves in their childhood room with that tiny chewing gum picture, a piece of paper and pencils and feel happy that some of their dreams are coming true.
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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #marvel #mcu #collage #grdilicious #grdi

subota, 17. travnja 2021.

Miles & Gwen

Here's an unexpected filler post, a combination of my old drawings - Miles and Gwen, both from 2019. I've been going through my older stuff and WIPs lately because I found out that some of my original files went missing (RIP my Iron Man with the Infinity Gauntlet 😢). I just hope they're stored somewhere else and not accidentally deleted. 😔

During that search I came to this idea to mix and reintroduce some of my old drawings. Although I've done something similar before, this time I'm trying to be more creative. The pose for Miles is a reference from some anime (I don't remember which, I only had a screenshot at that time), and I tried to come up for the pose for Gwen myself. I know there are some things that don't go together in this version (proportions, shading etc), but I believe it looks cool enough for a filler.
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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #marvel #spiderman #milesmorales #spidergwen #gwenstacy #grdilicious #grdi

ponedjeljak, 12. travnja 2021.

The Smell of a New Mask

Wear them always, change them often,
Surgical or cloth, blue or green,
Don't forget they have a purpose
Only if they're new, fresh and clean!

They keep us all safe and healthy,
"What's the point?" - there's no need to ask,
In all this madness just enjoy
That sweetest smell of a new mask!

Sorry, just a bolt of inspiration, for both the drawing and the poem, as we're coming back to work after the spring break, inevitably slipping off our surfboard for the third time and slowly drowning under another wave...

To be honest, nobody likes wearing these protective masks. Because of my health problems (trigeminal neuralgia) I shouldn't even wear it as it may seriously affect my condition, but here we are, this new normal doesn't care about your other illnesses, it's all the same for everyone.

So, I wear it every day, I'd say maybe too often, even in some situations where they're currently not necessary in my country. And, in a twisted way, I've come to a point where there's no better feeling than putting on a new mask and breathing in its clean scent for the first time... except for maybe taking it off when I get home. 😉
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#digitalart #drawing #characterdesign #mask #grdilicious #grdi

petak, 9. travnja 2021.

Grace (Raft)

I'm continuing with my "Grace" series, i.e. drawing characters named Grace by YouTube and Twitch gamer Josh in his Let's Game It Out videos. This one's a little bit different, because in his gameplay of "Raft" from August and October 2020 Grace was - a shark!

In case you don't follow this little project of mine, Josh has a gaming channel where he plays various games just to break them or until he sends his computer to the bitrate hell. And every now and then he either comes across a character named Grace or chooses that name for a character and puts her in impossible situations.

This is my fourth drawing of Grace, although there are even more versions - you can find a playlist of games "where he torments Grace" on his YouTube page. This time Grace torments him and since she's a shark, I had to be more creative than before. So I came up with this... furry? Can sharks be furries? 🤔 I found several references on Google and the most interesting was a character created by a deviantART user Ambris.

Anyway, as she's attacking his raft, I also decided to make her a pirate to make her more interesting and give myself a challenge to design a new character. I also added the necklace "The Heart of the Ocean" (from Cameron's "Titanic") and "shark bracelets" (to protect sharks from ocean plastic).

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#digitalart #illustration #drawing #fanart #characterdesign #letsgameitout #youtube #gaming #gamingchannel #videogames #grace #raft #grdilicious #grdi

nedjelja, 4. travnja 2021.

Easter Character Mashup Art Challenge 2021

Happy Easter! 🐰🥚

Here's my finished version of this year's Easter Character Mashup Art Challenge!

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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #characterdesign #artchallenge #sixfanarts #easteredition #easter #happyeaster #easter2021 #babyanimals #superheroes #mashup #marvel #grdilicious #grdi

subota, 3. travnja 2021.

Easter Mashup Challenge 2021 (Puppy)

My last character for the Easter Mashup art challenge is Monica Rambeau as a puppy. I know, she wasn't in your suggestions, but I didn't get many of them this time, so she was my choice.

I was very sorry that I didn't get to draw her during the WandaVision hype, and although I'll probably draw her some time in the future, here she is, for the time being, as a part of this art challenge.

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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #characterdesign #artchallenge #sixfanarts #easteredition #easter #babyanimals #superheroes #mashup #puppy #monicarambeau #wandavision #captainmarvel #marvel #grdilicious #grdi

Easter Mashup Challenge 2021 (Kitten)

My next character design suggestion for the Easter Mashup Art Challenge was combining Emma Frost from X-Men and a kitten!

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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #characterdesign #artchallenge #sixfanarts #easteredition #easter #babyanimals #superheroes #mashup #kitten #emmafrost #xmen #marvel #grdilicious #grdi

petak, 2. travnja 2021.

Easter Mashup Challenge 2021 (Duckling)

I know I already drew Loki in the Christmas Mashup Challenge, but this time I didn't have a lot of other suggestions, you suggested him again and TBH it's always fun to draw him. 😉 So, for this Easter Challenge I put him again into Jazza's Arty Games random generator and got a mashup character with a - duckling!

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#digitalart #drawing #fanart #characterdesign #artchallenge #sixfanarts #easteredition #easter #babyanimals #superheroes #mashup #duckling #loki #marvel #grdilicious #grdi