četvrtak, 13. veljače 2020.

The Card

Here I go again with another "lazy" drawing. I drew Joker's iconic gloved hand from a reference (Joker's Calling Card statue by Cryptozoic, 2017) and also used my own old illustration for the card (Harley Quinn, 2016). And since my followers never engage me in a discussion about my views - now that Birds Of Prey hit the cinemas and the Oscar night is behind us - I'll allow myself to write freely about my issues with both Joker and BOP.

"Joker" is an amazing movie and I'm glad Phoenix got the Oscar for his performance, but my main issue with it is that it was presented as a superhero (or in this case supervillain) movie. I mean, I've seen a few similar movies so far and it doesn't really bring anything we haven't seen before. Its title or the main protagonist could've been any other than "Joker" and that's basically it. Everything about this film led to chasing and getting the Oscars, they just wrapped the main idea in this "Joker" package to increase its importance and impact. I watch a lot of movies, but there are some I skip or leave them for some other time in my life. That would have been the thing with "Joker", too, if it hadn't been for the title. I repeat, I liked the movie, it's just all this "superhero" hype about it that bothers me.

"Birds Of Prey" were a bit of a letdown, especially in the first part. I couldn't relax and enjoy performances at first, especially by Robbie and McGregor - they seemed very unnatural, like they desperately overacted. But when I realized it was supposed to be totally silly and similar to Deadpool, I started to enjoy the second part of the movie. The other thing was all this Birds Of Prey stuff. Let's be honest, the whole movie was really about Harley. At times it looked like there were two films in one - the biggest part about Harley, and a little bit about the titular BOP and other characters.

So, what do you think?

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