subota, 29. veljače 2020.

My Sonicsona

Little by little I'm filling my portfolio with drawings of my personas inspired by various franchises. I didn't really plan it, but somehow it became kind of my thing, so I decided to go with it.

This time it's Sonic the Hedgehog, or let's call it my "Sonicsona". I never played any version of the video game so it was this year's movie adaptation that gave me this idea. I used more modern references for the base of my character and added some elements that I believe are typical for me. It's mostly the colour palette - I like orange, grey and some earthy tones. That's why my Sonic has clothes and a bag - I wanted to use as many of these colours as possible. I also drew a digital stylus, to emphasize my interest in digital art, as well as my all-time favourite shoes and my logo on the T-shirt, but I didn't want to add too many details and other items like with my Spidersona last year, because I didn't want to repeat myself and "clutter" the drawing.

I have many more similar ideas, such as Attack On Titan... sona? I don't know what I'll call it, but as I said, expect more drawings like this. 😉👍

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