petak, 28. veljače 2020.

Johnny, Grace and the Giraffe

Here's my interpretation of Johnny Hotbody and his archnemesis, the falcon (Rise Of Ages), Grace or, more precisely, one of her versions (Foundation) and the legendary giraffe (Planet Zoo) - some of the most recognizable video game characters in 2019, played (and often tortured!) by Josh from the YouTube channel Let's Game It Out.

It's the only gaming channel I watch. I discovered it only a few months ago, but I think I managed to binge watch all his videos. Josh is an incredibly funny guy who plays mostly simulator games as incorrectly as possible and often breaks them. Some of the most popular are already mentioned Rise Of Ages and Planet Zoo, but also Satisfactory, The Sims and many more. In the beginning he had a co-host, Anthony, and the funniest games they played together were horror games.

While playing some of the games, he created a few memorable characters, gave them names and even personalities. Johnny Hotbody from Rise Of Ages is an attractive prehistoric buff guy in skimpy outfits, who hides his face behind a simple wooden mask, eats apples to replenish his strength and fights vicious falcons.

As for Grace, there are several versions, but I went with the last one from 2019, a villager from Foundation. The thing is that it's one of the most common names you can find in game algorithms, so whenever Josh comes across a Grace in any games, she gets a special treatment. In later videos, if there's no Grace, he gives one of them that name. In this version she didn't gather berries, but I drew her holding a basket anyway, because it was the only food her co-villagers ate in Foundation. I'll definitely come back to her and draw some other popular versions.

And giraffes are the first and most famous occupants of Josh's Planet Zoo. Almost every episode begins with them and they also get the "Grace treatment". There's also the infamous Giraffe Hydra, but I think I'll leave it for some other drawing.

If you're looking for hours of fun and laughter, I recommend this channel! 👍

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