subota, 29. veljače 2020.

My Sonicsona

Little by little I'm filling my portfolio with drawings of my personas inspired by various franchises. I didn't really plan it, but somehow it became kind of my thing, so I decided to go with it.

This time it's Sonic the Hedgehog, or let's call it my "Sonicsona". I never played any version of the video game so it was this year's movie adaptation that gave me this idea. I used more modern references for the base of my character and added some elements that I believe are typical for me. It's mostly the colour palette - I like orange, grey and some earthy tones. That's why my Sonic has clothes and a bag - I wanted to use as many of these colours as possible. I also drew a digital stylus, to emphasize my interest in digital art, as well as my all-time favourite shoes and my logo on the T-shirt, but I didn't want to add too many details and other items like with my Spidersona last year, because I didn't want to repeat myself and "clutter" the drawing.

I have many more similar ideas, such as Attack On Titan... sona? I don't know what I'll call it, but as I said, expect more drawings like this. 😉👍

petak, 28. veljače 2020.

Johnny, Grace and the Giraffe

Here's my interpretation of Johnny Hotbody and his archnemesis, the falcon (Rise Of Ages), Grace or, more precisely, one of her versions (Foundation) and the legendary giraffe (Planet Zoo) - some of the most recognizable video game characters in 2019, played (and often tortured!) by Josh from the YouTube channel Let's Game It Out.

It's the only gaming channel I watch. I discovered it only a few months ago, but I think I managed to binge watch all his videos. Josh is an incredibly funny guy who plays mostly simulator games as incorrectly as possible and often breaks them. Some of the most popular are already mentioned Rise Of Ages and Planet Zoo, but also Satisfactory, The Sims and many more. In the beginning he had a co-host, Anthony, and the funniest games they played together were horror games.

While playing some of the games, he created a few memorable characters, gave them names and even personalities. Johnny Hotbody from Rise Of Ages is an attractive prehistoric buff guy in skimpy outfits, who hides his face behind a simple wooden mask, eats apples to replenish his strength and fights vicious falcons.

As for Grace, there are several versions, but I went with the last one from 2019, a villager from Foundation. The thing is that it's one of the most common names you can find in game algorithms, so whenever Josh comes across a Grace in any games, she gets a special treatment. In later videos, if there's no Grace, he gives one of them that name. In this version she didn't gather berries, but I drew her holding a basket anyway, because it was the only food her co-villagers ate in Foundation. I'll definitely come back to her and draw some other popular versions.

And giraffes are the first and most famous occupants of Josh's Planet Zoo. Almost every episode begins with them and they also get the "Grace treatment". There's also the infamous Giraffe Hydra, but I think I'll leave it for some other drawing.

If you're looking for hours of fun and laughter, I recommend this channel! 👍

četvrtak, 20. veljače 2020.

DIY Triceratops Hat

I promised myself I'd create more digital art - and I actually have three projects in progress! - but here we are again with another unexpected extra DIY project (let's even call it one of my first commissions!). A friend and a colleague of mine asked me for a help with her daughter's school project, a dinosaur inspired mask or something similar.

One of the ideas was to use a baseball cap and I went with it, because time was short and it was simple and something I had experience with before. The dinosaur was supposed to be a triceratops, so I found similar ideas on the Internet, but also tried to add my own style.

The hat was accompanied by a set of vertical plates on the back, a long paper tail and paper origami claws (I know all these things aren't usual for this type of dinosaurs, but kids wanted them, so why not?). I was planning to use craft felt sheets at first (size A4), but eventually went with foam rubber and, all in all, it didn't cost much and I'm more than satisfied with how it turned out. And it made my friend's kid happy, which was the most important thing in all this.

P.S. In February there's a celebration in my country that's similar to Halloween - there are carnivals and children make masks and go trick-or-treating. The tradition is older than the American counterpart, but since Halloween became more and more popular some time in the 1990s, we now actually have two similar traditions. 😁👍

petak, 14. veljače 2020.

The Pattman

After the first Batman 2021 teaser, where they showed just a part of his new cowl, artists started flooding the Internet with their guess what The Pattman's ears will look like, so here's my mock-up version. 😂

četvrtak, 13. veljače 2020.

The Card

Here I go again with another "lazy" drawing. I drew Joker's iconic gloved hand from a reference (Joker's Calling Card statue by Cryptozoic, 2017) and also used my own old illustration for the card (Harley Quinn, 2016). And since my followers never engage me in a discussion about my views - now that Birds Of Prey hit the cinemas and the Oscar night is behind us - I'll allow myself to write freely about my issues with both Joker and BOP.

"Joker" is an amazing movie and I'm glad Phoenix got the Oscar for his performance, but my main issue with it is that it was presented as a superhero (or in this case supervillain) movie. I mean, I've seen a few similar movies so far and it doesn't really bring anything we haven't seen before. Its title or the main protagonist could've been any other than "Joker" and that's basically it. Everything about this film led to chasing and getting the Oscars, they just wrapped the main idea in this "Joker" package to increase its importance and impact. I watch a lot of movies, but there are some I skip or leave them for some other time in my life. That would have been the thing with "Joker", too, if it hadn't been for the title. I repeat, I liked the movie, it's just all this "superhero" hype about it that bothers me.

"Birds Of Prey" were a bit of a letdown, especially in the first part. I couldn't relax and enjoy performances at first, especially by Robbie and McGregor - they seemed very unnatural, like they desperately overacted. But when I realized it was supposed to be totally silly and similar to Deadpool, I started to enjoy the second part of the movie. The other thing was all this Birds Of Prey stuff. Let's be honest, the whole movie was really about Harley. At times it looked like there were two films in one - the biggest part about Harley, and a little bit about the titular BOP and other characters.

So, what do you think?

nedjelja, 9. veljače 2020.

International Pizza Day

Happy International pizza day! To be honest, I can barely find time for new drawings and this one is actually one of my last year's drawing challenges ("Monstrous Pizza"). I just rearranged it a little bit and added a few details. Once again, sorry it's just a filler this time.