četvrtak, 21. veljače 2019.

My Spidersona

Finally it's time for my Spidersona! Spider-Man has always been one of my most favourite superheroes and this challenge is a great way to imagine myself in his shoes. I don't have a catchy superhero name, but I tried to present some things and features that define me... to some extent, at least.

One of my most favourite pieces of clothing has for years been my olive green/orange hoodie, so I used these colours for my "spidersuit". I also wear a lot of black and dark grey. I hate cramming things into my pockets, so I usually wear some kind of a bag. In this illustration it opened by accident and some things that I like or usually carry fell out: my glasses, mobile phone, a bottle of cola, a chocolate bar, pills and vitamins, a pack of tissues, a pen etc. And there's also a matching baseball hat, I believe I have quite a collection and I rarely leave my flat without one of them.

I'm pretty tall and heavy, so the spider silk can barely support my weight (you can see it snapping in the middle) and I live in Osijek, which is the 4th largest city in Croatia, but according to European or American standards still a pretty small town with a few blocks of 12-storey buildings, so I mostly have to use numerous power lines to move around.

Sooo... It's your friendly neighborhood... Spider-Esseker? No? Well, I tried. 😁

P.S. Essek = Osijek 😉

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