ponedjeljak, 6. siječnja 2020.

After The Holidays

During holidays it's hard to stick to your usual diet plan, so have you started this year with a couple of pounds more? What's your plan now?

Of course, it's not a problem for Captain Marvel's "cat" Goose, a member of the Flerken race who can store any kind or amount of objects in pocket dimensions inside their bodies and still look fit, but we don't have that kind of choice. 

This idea for an illustration of Goose overeating during the holidays has been on my mind for a couple of weeks and I'm happy I finished it on exactly this day! January 6 in my country marks the official end of Christmas holidays, when most families take their Christmas tree down and put all the decorations away, so, starting tomorrow, life basically goes back to its usual pace.

I hope you had great holidays! And good luck with getting back to your old habits and maybe some new goals! 😉

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