ponedjeljak, 27. siječnja 2020.

Toon Me & Dolly Parton Challenge

Hopping on that #toonme bandwagon! The purpose of this challenge is to choose your selfie and draw half of your face in your style (you can also add a white line between the photo and the drawing or use any other effect). I'm not sure who the author is, it was suddenly all over my news feed.

I'm not comfortable with revealing my face on any social media, so this was an interesting way to cheat on that "rule". In fact, by doing this and seeing some other examples, I concluded I look similar to any other plus size hobbyist/artist with beard and glasses. Apparently, there's quite a number of us here. 😁

These days there's another meme or challenge on social media, so-called #dollypartonchallenge, so I used some of my avatars to create my own meme.

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