ponedjeljak, 27. siječnja 2020.

Toon Me & Dolly Parton Challenge

Hopping on that #toonme bandwagon! The purpose of this challenge is to choose your selfie and draw half of your face in your style (you can also add a white line between the photo and the drawing or use any other effect). I'm not sure who the author is, it was suddenly all over my news feed.

I'm not comfortable with revealing my face on any social media, so this was an interesting way to cheat on that "rule". In fact, by doing this and seeing some other examples, I concluded I look similar to any other plus size hobbyist/artist with beard and glasses. Apparently, there's quite a number of us here. 😁

These days there's another meme or challenge on social media, so-called #dollypartonchallenge, so I used some of my avatars to create my own meme.

ponedjeljak, 20. siječnja 2020.


Here's my latest Star Wars fan art! I found some interesting pose references on Figurosity.com and challenged myself to combine them into the pose you see, but I'm especially proud of the idea of drawing Kylo's and Rey's lightsabers as one single imaginary line (can you see it?). I'm not completely satisfied with my colouring and shading techniques in this one, but I believe it turned out pretty well.

 As for the so-called Skywalker saga - no spoilers! - I'm not sure what to think after all. I've been a Star Wars fan for several decades, but this last trilogy does seem like a mess. I think it started pretty well with The Force Awakens, but I'm very, very sorry to admit that The Last Jedi came as a bit of a shock and a letdown. I mean, I've watched it several times so far and I'll watch it again, but I still can't get rid of that "Why?!" feeling. I enjoyed The Rise Of Skywalker, but it was confusing to some extent, although I guess I should've expected it, because it had to tie the whole story together and finish it somehow.

The main problem is that this "trilogy" doesn't seem like a trilogy at all! It looks like they didn't start with a clear idea about what kid of story they wanted to tell, so they just let each director decide what to do with the events from the previous movie, even if it meant messing it up. However, I also must add that I'll watch all three movies as many times as I get the chance, like I do with every Star Wars movie. There are many issues with the story, a couple of unnecessary characters and questionable decisions - but it's Star Wars, I'll always support it and it will always remain inspiration to me.

ponedjeljak, 6. siječnja 2020.

After The Holidays

During holidays it's hard to stick to your usual diet plan, so have you started this year with a couple of pounds more? What's your plan now?

Of course, it's not a problem for Captain Marvel's "cat" Goose, a member of the Flerken race who can store any kind or amount of objects in pocket dimensions inside their bodies and still look fit, but we don't have that kind of choice. 

This idea for an illustration of Goose overeating during the holidays has been on my mind for a couple of weeks and I'm happy I finished it on exactly this day! January 6 in my country marks the official end of Christmas holidays, when most families take their Christmas tree down and put all the decorations away, so, starting tomorrow, life basically goes back to its usual pace.

I hope you had great holidays! And good luck with getting back to your old habits and maybe some new goals! 😉