nedjelja, 4. studenoga 2018.

Fall This In Your Style 2018

I know I'm a little bit late for "Fall this in your style" challenge, but we've had some some unusually warm weather so far and it still doesn't quite feel like fall yet. Anyway, I'm  unusually warm weather so far and it still doesn't quite feel like fall yet. Anyway, I'm supposed to draw what I usually wear and do in fall, so here are some examples.

I like wearing hats, so I replace my usual baseball cap with a gray beanie. The jacket has an interesting feature - you can remove the inner part if it's too warm, or attach it back when it gets colder, and that's why I like it so much. When it comes to trousers, I'm not imaginative enough, so I usually settle for plain blue jeans. Also, I don't make much fuss about the shoes - all they have to be is comfortable. The most quirky feature is my knock-off Doctor Who scarf, which - of course - isn't as long as I drew it 😁. I also rarely leave my home without an umbrella, just in case. As for the cup that I'm holding in my hand, the time has come again to enjoy all sorts of tea and although it's mostly green tea, I often mix it with some other flavours.

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