četvrtak, 30. kolovoza 2018.

Sloth-like alien (Voltron)

I know what some of you are thinking: What the quiznak does this drawing have to do with Voltron? Usually when you hear the word Voltron, you think of robots, flying lions and their paladins, but no - in the vast sea of so much fan art involving all mentioned examples (and more!), I chose to draw the first alien we meet in the first episode (not counting Alteans and the Galra) - some kind of an alien sloth-like creature, the guardian of the Green Lion. We don't find out its name or the name of its species for that matter, it doesn't talk at all and we don't actually see other specimens, only this one, who lead Shiro and Pidge to the Lion.

In fact, most of the aliens resemble known animals such as owls, tardigrades etc., but for me this design was the most interesting. I watch way too many Japanese anime shows, so I'm usually sceptical when it comes to animated American shows, but I liked it very much. The story is very interesting, it unfolds as the episodes progress, there are many unexpected twists and the animation is great. I think I'll wait for the last season to be released and then, when it's all finished, try to draw something more familiar from the show.

Here's some WIP:

Until next time,

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