utorak, 20. kolovoza 2019.

Umberto & Espina 2019

Does anyone even remember my OC Pokémon trainers Umberto and Espina? Here they are again, this time frolicking with Umbreon and Espeon in the summer sun! And what's up with that drawing style, you may ask? TBH, I'm not sure... Just applying some new tricks I picked up bingeing several artists' YouTube videos.

I realized I don't actually have a drawing style and I don't know how to find it. I just get an idea and start drawing without thinking if I can really pull it off in the end. This one was about perspective and foreshortening, but I guess I spent too much time on unnecessary details. Also, I didn't draw a "real" background, not only just because it would be complicated and take me even more much time, but it's also some kind of experiment I picked up from the videos I mentioned. I kind of like it, I believe it makes my job easier (although, I agree, it shouldn't be a "job", it should be my passion, but oh, well...). And it looks kind of dynamic. Kind of. 🤔

There are so many things that went wrong (just to mention my inability to draw faces and hair, although there's so much more 🙄), but I already spent too much time on this (I think it was the whole week 😱), so let me just leave it here and move on with, hopefully, something easier or something I'll be more satisfied with.

To end it on a lighter note, who says it has to be perfect? It's cartoony and goofy and it's OK to be flawed. Maybe, if I hadn't written all this, you would have thought I planned to draw it this way and wouldn't have known about all the struggle I went through. 😉

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