četvrtak, 28. studenoga 2019.

The Mandalorian Babysitter

Here's my version of the famous Mandalorian babysitter! I guess it would've been easier to recreate an exact scene from the show, but I wanted to do something different, which eventually turned out to be unexpectedly time-consuming. 🙄

OK, baby Yoda's flying crib is way more convenient as a means of transportation, but in my try to make it different, interesting and funny - and to include some of the iconic features of Star Wars - I created a baby stroller that looks like the Millennium Falcon with something like AT-AT "legs". The first obstacle was the design, because I've never drawn anything mechanical and to be honest this "vehicle" doesn't look very functional. I also added toys such as a C-3PO plushie and a R2-D2 baby rattle (there were also other similar toys, but I decided to delete them because the drawing was too crowded).

Although I was excited about the idea, I must admit it was a bit of a drag finishing this drawing. I kept changing and redrawing it and it took me much more time and research than usual (you can see how rough and vague my initial sketch was in comparison to the final drawing). But, finally, here we are and I hope it was worth it. 😉

nedjelja, 17. studenoga 2019.

My SkeksisSona

On my continuing mission to create different personas from geeky pop culture, the time has come for my - Skeksissona! I hope you've seen the 1982 movie and/or this year's Netflix adaptation of The Dark Crystal. If you have, then you surely know who the Skeksis are (and if you're an '80s kid, you may still have the nightmares because of them!).

There are so many amazing details, characters and puppets in Jim Henson's Dark Crystal world, but this time I chose the big baddies. I tried to combine as many elements in my creation as possible, from my occupation as a teacher to my favourite colours (and also my Doctor Who scarf). I call him "skekSchol the Teacher" and although this job is more suitable for the Mystics, I wanted to explore this idea.

The Skeksis are evil bird-like reptiles and their skin is usually in grey or green tones, but for my persona I used a more human colour palette. I also gave him hair and a beard to look more like me, as well as glasses with thick black frames like mine (the idea for multiple glasses comes from another character, skekOk the Scroll-Keeper). As for some teacher elements, I drew his hat, a book and an apple. I used some of my favourite colours (earth tones, red, green and orange) and added some spikes or horns on his back to make him look more frightening (also, I find them pretty cool and you can find them in a lot of my monster drawings).

Anyway, if you haven't seen The Dark Crystal and you like fantasy and amazing puppetry by Jim Henson's company, you can find both the original film and the new series (Age of Resistance) on Netflix, as well as documentaries about making the show. 👍

nedjelja, 3. studenoga 2019.

Chester, the Autumn Warrior

So, November is finally here and unusually warm first part of the fall seems to be over. I wanted to draw something special for the beginning of rainy, foggy and colder part of the season and I hope this little guy is it.

Chestnuts are typical for this time of year, so I created Chester, a brave little autumn warrior! I'm not completely sure where I was going with his design and I changed it a lot during the process. I found my inspiration in Roman warriors, but then I gave up on some initial features and ended up with this, let's say, Pokémon-like design. In one version he also had legs, but it looked a little bit weird.

I'm also not sure who he's fighting, it's just that chestnut's spiky husk looked like a good idea for a helmet with mohawk spikes and a shield, and a leaf like a sword or other similar weapon. Anyway, I'm mostly satisfied with how he turned out and hope you'll like him too!

#digitalart #illustration #drawing #characterdesign #autumn #fall #chestnut #warrior #november #croatianartist #selftaughtartist #grdilicious #grdi