četvrtak, 14. ožujka 2019.

Captain Marvel

Here's my version of Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. I used some elements from the MCU, some from the comics and also added some of my favourite features (it's mostly that wavy cloth thingy - I know, even in the comics it's not that long, but I find it very cool).

I must admit, last week was very stressful for me. I live for superhero stuff and never miss Marvel's and DC's movies, but the witch-hunt that preceded Captain Marvel's premiere was very brutal, depressing and uncomfortable and although I was hyped to see the movie, it shifted my attention to all that unnecessary negativity. I don't know why I constantly give in to reading comments and spoilers, I really have to find way to ignore them and stick to my own convictions.

As usual, all that stress was unnecessary in the end. It turned out to be pretty good and I had fun I usually have while watching similar superhero movies. I know it's mostly the same formula all over again, but it's exciting to see how this giant MCU story keeps developing even with such installments that weren't planned from the beginning. So, let's put torches, pitchforks and butthurt politics aside and watch this movie for what it's supposed to be - just another entertaining movie. 😉👍

petak, 8. ožujka 2019.

DIY badge (Captain Marvel)

Here's my new DIY project, a badge I made for today's Captain Marvel premiere in my town.

The materials I used:
- a round wooden tag
- foam rubber (black and yellow)
- colour paper (red and blue)
- a black marker
- mod podge
- multi-purpose glue
- a pin
- a glue gun

As usual, it's a pretty simple project and I had a lot of fun making it. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to make more, so there'll be no giveaways like for Avengers and Star Wars this time.
Happy International Women's Day! 🌹

četvrtak, 7. ožujka 2019.


I've finally seen Into the Spider-Verse, which is a very good excuse for me to continue drawing Spider-Persons. 😀 This time it's Spider-Gwen, and although I've drawn her twice so far while I was testing watercolour pencils, this time I wanted to draw a complete digital illustration. Initially I had a more dynamic pose in mind, but then I used one of my poseable art figures.