petak, 11. siječnja 2019.

Miles Morales

Believe it or not, I still haven't seen Into the Spider-verse! 😱 Yep, guilty as charged. 😔 To be honest, I don't even know if there was a subbed version in our cinemas, because in my country animated movies are mostly dubbed and I'd like to experience the original version. I believe there are still some early projections of dubbed versions for small children at 10 a.m. or something like that, but, as I said, meh. 🙄

Anyway, it didn't stop me from drawing Miles in one of his famous outfits. I wanted a dynamic illustration with a challenging perspective, so I used unusual references of some anime poses, as well as my own (don't ask 😁). The new thing that I hadn't used before is the thick outline around the character, which supposedly makes the whole illustration kind of pop up and I like how it turned out. Maybe I'll use it more often, we'll see.

srijeda, 9. siječnja 2019.

Winter Joy

Finally, my first illustration for 2019 is here! Yes, it was supposed to be posted about a month ago, but as usual, when it comes to my plans or my schedule, it's never that simple.

This is my avatar (basically me) in my favourite winter clothes. Of course, I don't wear this hat very often, but I do like it. As you can see, it's not a typical Santa's hat, but his helper's hat and is much longer. It's very thin and the quality of the fabric is bad, because it's meant to be worn just for fun, on New Year's parties and similar. I wear a dark blue winter jacket and a long grey scarf that I usually wrap two times around my neck and chin.

I spent way too much time on this illustration, but I hope it was worth it. I repeat, I need to speed up this whole process somehow. It should be one of my New Year's resolutions, but knowing me, I'm not sure it'll help much. 😂