ponedjeljak, 25. lipnja 2018.

Cloak & Dagger

My drawing of Marvel's Cloak & Dagger, the main characters from the '80s comic book of the same name, whose new version was released this month, along with a new Marvel TV show. For this drawing I chose the newest comic version of Tyrone (Cloak) and Tandy (Dagger) and I used ink and alcohol-based markers for the first time (and no, they're not Copic markers, I bought some cheaper knock-off brand Huhuhero). Of course it's not as clean as a digital illustration, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out.

I didn't follow usual YouTube tutorials about alcohol-based markers. I combined different techniques I've learned about inking and finished the drawing with just a touch of Fauxcopic markers, mostly the grey tones. So, it's not a typical alcohol-based drawing, but I believe it's a good start. 

nedjelja, 10. lipnja 2018.

Captain America's cap (redesign)

I decided to redesign my (baseball) cap inspired by Captain America's helmet, which I had made two years ago. I believe it served its purpose very well and it was time to improve it with some new materials and techniques. So I used the same cap, but removed the sewn letter A and wings and replaced them with foam rubber. If you compare both versions, you can see the result looks much more professional and fresh.

The original cap was made two years ago for Marsonikon, a sci-fi convention in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, and after that I also wore it at Sferakon and local Marvel's movie premieres.

You can also see the original here.

ponedjeljak, 4. lipnja 2018.

Chibacca (Chibi Chewbacca)

Some time ago I promised I'd draw something related to the movies I watched. So far I've created some pieces of artwork for movies such as Spiderman Homecoming, Black Panther, Infinity War, Deadpool 2 etc. As you may guess, now it's time for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The technique of drawing (or any kind of artwork, in case I get some other ideas) isn't specified, so I've decided to draw Chibi Chewbacca (or Chibacca? 😁). The plan was to draw him traditionally and finally use my "fauxcopic" markers, but after several unsuccessful attempts, I returned to my favourite technique, digital art. Yeah, I need a lot more practice with drawing with alcohol based markers, I guess.

As for the movie itself, of course I'm aware of all the turmoil and controversy (fans boycotting Star Wars movies etc.), but I really recommend this movie. It has its flaws - even I can recognize some of them - but on the other hand, it seems like fans are seeking revenge after The Last Jedi and taking it out on Solo. Anyway, that's just an opinion of a guy who'd watch any Marvel, DC, Star Trek or Star Wars movie, no matter how "bad" they are. 😂

subota, 2. lipnja 2018.

Mermay 2018

I didn't participate in the #MerMay challenge, but I decided to draw at least one mermaid just to see how it would turn out. Actually, I've always wanted to do it, so the choice of what kind or type of mermaid exactly to draw wasn't too hard, because a few months ago I came across some photos of a statue of Ariel and I fell in love with the design. It was The Little Mermaid Statue from J. Scott Campbell’s Fairytale Fantasies Collection. Google it, I think it looks amazing!

So, the reference for the pose is obvious, although I decided to change some things. As usual, I drew it on a piece of paper, scanned it and finished in Inkscape. I added some shadows and highlights the only way I know - not caring too much about the source of light, but trying to draw what I believe would look effective and interesting and trying to have fun in the process. And the background is simple, of course.

As for MerMay itself, I'm usually interested in different art challenges, but drawing 31 mermaids would just be too much for me. So far I've managed to finish two #Inktober challenges and I'm actually considering joining #JuneToon, although it has already started, so I guess we'll see. I'd also like to congratulate all participants who finished the #mermay challenge, with a special shout-out to @xelgot whose characters and style inspire me to try something like this one day. And to draw more, because you know how lazy I am, even when I have some good ideas (unfortunately, I often give up and never finish some projects if I procrastinate for too long).