subota, 14. travnja 2018.

My questionable hairstyles

When it comes to my looks, I've definitely had my share of questionable choices. I've been cutting my own hair for many years now and sometimes I experimented with styles and even colours. Sometimes it depended on my curiosity, sometimes on trends. Or simply put - I wanted to try out some things while I still have my hair. 😁 So, while I was drawing my new avatar for "Art vs Artist" challenge, I came up with an interesting idea - I made two more versions of it, with different hairstyles and here is their story. 😉

The first drawing is for my current haircut. I know it's not that unusual, but it's dangerously close to becoming more "hipstery". 😂 When it was shorter, it was pretty complicated to get different stages of fade, but now I let the top part grow and cut only sides and back. I usually wear beard (although I shave it completely once or twice a year) and I try to keep it short or at least not too long.

The first drawing is for my current haircut. I know it's not that unusual, but it's dangerously close to becoming more "hipstery". 😂 When it was shorter, it was pretty complicated to get different stages of fade, but now I let the top part grow and cut only sides and back. I usually wear beard (although I shave it completely once or twice a year) and I try to keep it short or at least not too long.

And the third style logically followed the second. If the previous one was bold, this one was - bald! 😂 Bad pun, sorry... In fact, it was time to return to work after a vacation, so I had to get rid of blonde hair. I shaved it completely off and also trimmed my beard to some reasonable length.

So, what do you think about my style experiments? What kind of haircut do you prefer? Do you cut your own hair?

subota, 7. travnja 2018.

Colouring contest (Mamba)

While looking for the way to practice this new watercolour pencils style I've been trying to develop, I stumbled upon a contest by I've been following his work for some time and I was glad to see this challenge to colour the lineart of his character Mamba. I assumed many others would use digital art to colour it, so I pursued that recent watercolour pencils obsession that I mentioned.

I printed the very light grey version of the lineart on the watercolour paper, coloured it and went over the original lines with black fineliners (with 0,1 tip). I also used the Pentel brush pen for the outline, as I saw it in some YouTube tutorials. I really like this combination and I'm still new to this style of drawing, but I hope I'm on the right track.

Once again, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I just hope I'll get to colour some of my works soon.