četvrtak, 23. lipnja 2022.


Of course there's a weird story behind this silly drawing... 😄 The song "Trebaš li me" sung by Eni Jurišić and Matija Cvek is currently one of the hottest hits in Croatia and during an entertaining skit about misheard lyrics a couple of local radio hosts interpreted the refrain "Javi trebaš li me" (Tell me if you need me) as "Javi trebaš li med" (Tell me if you need honey) and the rest is history - it's become my earworm for the next couple of weeks that ended in me drawing this illustration! 🤣

It represents my avatar dressed as a bee yelling "Tell me if you need honey" while posing as some kind of a soldier, holding a staff resembling a honey dipper, a shield in a honeycomb style and standing on jars full of honey. Just... don't ask why. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's just how my mind works from time to time. 🤪 BTW, the song is really great, I like it a lot and this drawing was just for fun.

Follow me: https://linktr.ee/grdi

#digitalart #drawing #honey #bee #song #trebaslime #med #misheardlyrics #croatia #grdilicious #grdi