utorak, 25. lipnja 2019.

Monstrous Pizza

Here's my illustration for this week's challenge by @jimbobdrawingshow. The prompt was "Monstrous Pizza"! I had a lot of fun creating this lovely cheesy sleazy creepy little guy and during the process I believe he even helped me with my today's lunch choice. 😉

subota, 22. lipnja 2019.

Summer 2019

If you think that a turkey float is a strange choice for my new summer illustration, in my defense, it was inspired by a last year's funny tweet about flotation devices. Morana Zibar, @gurwoman (a famous Croatian professional quizzer or "the chaser" from our version of the quiz show "The Chase") made fun of popular beach floats, such as flamingos and swans on Twitter and suggested some other types of birds for the next season, putting emphasis on turkeys for true hipsters - and the rest is history!

So, what kind of fads do you expect to see this summer? Have you already seen or heard about anything strange, unusual or even stupid for this season? Let me know! 😉

srijeda, 19. lipnja 2019.


Just a quick illustration of your companion, tour guide or even your best friend in case you decide to visit , Croatia this summer - your friendly neighbourhood mosquito!

Yep, my town is known for frequent mosquito invasions, but this summer hasn't even really started and we're literally drowning in blood sucking swarms. You can't safely make a few steps from your house to your car, parents can't take their children to parks and even some sport events or open air events get cancelled. Around this time it's usually the topic number one and we often end up in the news (try googling "osijek" and "mosquitoes").

You'd think that we, the locals, must have got used to this situation so far, but it seems like each summer brings new challenges.

nedjelja, 16. lipnja 2019.


Here's Dazzler, one of less known mutants (played by @halstonsage), who made her surprising debut in X-Men: Dark Phoenix!

Why did I choose her among all other mutants? It's actually a funny story - she became an ongoing inside joke among my friends that started a few weeks before the movie, during a quiz on this year's SFeraKon (a sci-fi convention). So you can imagine my surprise when she appeared on the big screen!

I used several references and the version of the character in high heels and not the roller skates. As usual, there's my WIP:

četvrtak, 6. lipnja 2019.

X-Men Dark Phoenix logo badge (DIY)

The time has come for the X-Men saga to finish, so let's celebrate the latest movie premiere with another DIY project - here's my Dark Phoenix logo badge!

It's actually really simple: I designed something similar to the original logo in Inkscape in three sizes and printed it out. Then I copied the shapes on thin foam rubber sheets in three colours (red, orange and yellow to represent tones of fire), cut them out, glued together and in the end glued a pin - and that's it!

utorak, 4. lipnja 2019.

Mermista (MerMay Challenge 2019)

So... as usual, due to some setbacks, here's my belated illustration for the MerMay challenge. I know the rule is to draw one mermaid for each day of May, but just like last year, I decided again to post only one drawing. This year it's Princess Mermista from the new version of She-Ra.

First, I have to admit: no matter how big fan of all the Masters of the Universe properties in the 80s I was, this reinvented version of the lost Eternian princess was quite a disappointment for me. I didn't like what they did to most of the beloved childhood characters and even the animation style wasn't very impressive. And then it hit me - it's not a series for me anymore, it's for some new generations and I believe some new kids will probably find their own meaning in it. As for me, the first season was enough. I'm not planning to watch the second or any other seasons.

Nevertheless, for this challenge I chose Mermista for one reason only - the voice actress! Vella Lovell was brilliant as Heather in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and she copied most of her personality to her character Mermista. The same speech style, the ughhhs and dissatisfied grunts that even became memes - these parts really made the She-Ra show better for me. ♥

And finally, although I didn't really like the show, I'm planning to draw two more iconic characters: Hordak and Shadow Weaver. I also didn't like their new style, but like in Mermista's case, I'll find way to change some things and at the same time still make their features recognizable to the audience.

If you're interested in four steps of my WIP (sketch, lineart, flat colours and again the final illustration with shadows and highlights), here they are: